Autocad Civil 3d Line Types R
Jul 22, 2010. Any linetypes you may have created prior to AutoCAD 2011 will need to be updated to utilize this property. To do this, open your linetype file (.lin) in your favorite text editor (Notepad). With the linetype definition open, replace the R=0.0 parameter (if you have one), and replace it with U=0.0. Tabtight professional, free when you need it, VPN service.
CAD tip # 7433: Question CAD% platform category AutoCAD 2011 (and the whole Autodesk 2011 family) introduces a new alignment (orientation) type for texts in complex linetypes. In the.LIN linetype definitions with texts or symbols, it has been possible to use the 'R' code for relative rotation of the text against the orientation of the line segment, or the 'A' code for absolute orientation. The usually used values were only 0 and 90°. AutoCAD 2011 now offers also another alignment code 'U'. This code ensures an 'always readable' text, i.e.

The upright orientation in all directions of the line segments. Compare the display mode of the standard AutoCAD linetype GAS with the code R and with the new code U: *GAS,Gas ----GAS----GAS----GAS----GAS----GAS----GAS-- A,12.7,-5.08,['GAS',STANDARD,S=2.54, U=0.0,X=-2.54,Y=-1.27],-6.35 You can use the utility CADstudio LTfly (see Download) for an automatic definition of a linetype with an embedded text. This tool automatically uses the U-code for AutoCAD 2011. ACAD2011 LT2011 ADT2011 Civil2011 * CAD 29.6.2010 16529×.
Before signing off to get married I started a series entitled Linetypes the Super Simple Way. So far I’ve covered creating a,, and. To continue that series, today I’m going to take a look at creating linetypes with text contained within them.
Chances are, by reading the other posts in this series, you’ve become quite proficient with the Make Linetype (MKLTYPE) command; so I won’t spend too much time on that. Instead, I’d like to focus on some of the gotcha’s of creating linetypes with text, and how to overcome them. Linetypes Text Style While you can technically use any text style of your choosing, I find it best to create a dedicated linetype for text styles. Craigslist Auto Posting Software 2014. I typically give this text style a super-cryptic name like LINETYPES. When creating this test style it’s important to define it with a Height of ‘0’.