Download Antivirus Smadav 2013 Terbaru Gratis

Mungkin antivirus buatan Indonesia ini sudah sering sobat dengar karena kemampuannnya yang baik dalam membasmi virus lokal. Kali ini admin akan share versi terbaru. + Perbaikan kesalahan program (bug) dan kesalahan deteksi, + Perubahan ketentuan fitur Smadav Free dan Pro. + Penambahan database blacklist virus. Smadav 2016 Rev. 10: + Anti-Ransomware sebagai pencegahan untuk virus penyandera data (Cerber, Locky, Teslacrypt, dll. Resident Evil Revelations Trainer Download Free on this page. ), + Penambahan fitur Scan Total untuk.
Avira Free Antivirus is a free anti-malware, anti-ransomware and anti-virus program for Windows devices. It is a light security program that is easy to install and does not require a great deal of CPU (Central Processing Unit) power. The program protects your computer from things such as spyware, worms, Trojans and viruses. An efficient security program that does not hog your resources The is comparatively light compared to other security programs, and it works very efficiently.