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The Discoverie of Witchcraft • 1780s -, who became upset with the Italian conjurer, exposed many of his tricks in (White Magic Unveiled). • 1785 – by Thomas Denton was a translation of Decremps' book in English. Denton wrote in the preface: '... We promise for a certainty that it will operate as a spring to the industry of performers in that art by compelling them to some new inventions to deceive and amuse us.' • 1797 - Kosmann, a professor of physics in Germany, also explaining Pinetti’s experiments. Originally in periodical publications, these elucidations were collected, bound together and published in Berlin in the year 1797.

The English translation of the title was 'Chevalier Pinetti’s Recreations in Physics, or Explanation of His Tricks.' 1800s • 1811 -, before the conclusion of his American tour, exposed the tricks in his repertoire, justifying this practice on the grounds that they too could then perform these feats. From his advertisement in Boston, January, 1811: 'The audience may make choice of Twelve Deceptions, all of which he will lay open to their satisfaction.' • 1858 - Professor, advertised in The Times: 'Notice - Professor Frikell begs to announce that in consequence of numerous numerous applications to him for lessons in magic, which he regrets he has been unable to accede to, he has the honour to inform his patrons that he will, during the remainder of the series between the second and third parts of each performance, give an explanation of one of his most popular tricks'. • 1865 -, as P.H.C and P. Cannon, contributed 'Lessons In Magic' to 'Our Young Folks', 'Harper's Young People' and 'Harper's Round Table'.
Hatton also exposed a number of 's effects in 'The Century Magazine', among them Heller's Second Sight code. He also exposed the in Our Young Folks for November, 1866, only a year after its invention. And both got interested in magic from reading Hatton's series of articles on magic in 'Our Young Folks'.
• 1873 begins to supply magic tricks to 'Every Boy's Annual' or ' Boy's Own Paper ', a popular magazine for boys in London, England. Hoffman claims that he placed them there because magicians were so unprogressive and would not alter their acts. He continues to supply tricks to the magazine until 1877. • 1876 - Hoffman publishes his serial in book form as. Maskelyne, when hearing that Prof.
In 1840 he opened the New Strand Theatre, where he performed as The Great Wizard of the North. His success came from advertising his shows and captivating his audience with expert showmanship. He became one of the earliest magicians to attain a high level of world renown. He opened a second theatre in Glasgow.
Hoffmann was launching Modern Magic on the market stated 'Now we must invent new tricks.' Hoffman eventually became a Member of the Inner, known as the 'Grand Old Man of Magic' and his writings were termed the 'Conjuror's Bible'. Free Download Synthesizer For Pc more. This book was rated one of the 'Ten basic books for a working library of conjuring'.
• 1885 - during his appearances at the for Maskelyne & Cooke advertised that 'In addition to the gems of Mr Bertram's marvellous repertoire he will EXPLAIN SOME WONDERFUL TRICKS for the benefit of the boys home for their holidays.' Precisely what those tricks were is a mystery that remains unexplained, but mostly like were simple ones. • 1890 - English popular press (The Coloured Pictorial, The New Penny Magazine, The Royal Magazine, The Windsor, The Metropolitan, The Strand) starting in the 1890 printed magic tricks as publicity items from,,,,,,,,,, and.