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Vensim PLE is free for personal or educational use and for limited time evaluation. Commercial or government use requires purchase of a license. The Vensim Model Reader may be distributed for free with your models (including commercial use). When you're done downloading, check out our new getting-started videos,. Jan 17, 2010 - 2 min - Uploaded by cesarnot1Building a Simple Vensim Model2 - Duration: 23:22. Cheer Chain 26,311 views 23:22. If you have any problems, please ensure that the unlock code and company name match exactly with what you were sent when purchasing Vensim. Please ensure that when you contact us, you supply the company name, unlock code and serial number (click 'Help->About Vensim' from within Vensim) of your software. Tcsuite Win Full Custody.
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