Cx_oracle Install Windows 7

Here's what worked for me. My Python and Oracle versions are slightly different from yours, but the same approach should apply. Just make sure the cx_Oracle binary installer version matches your Oracle client and Python versions. My versions: • Python 2.7 • Oracle Instant Client 11G R2 • cx_Oracle 5.0.4 (Unicode, Python 2.7, Oracle 11G) • Windows XP SP3 Steps: • Download the Oracle Instant Client package. I used Unzip it to C: your path to instantclient_11_2 • Download and run the cx_Oracle binary installer. I used cx_Oracle-5.0.4-11g-unicode.win32-py2.7.msi.
Installing Oracle for Python with Anaconda Python 3.x on Windows. The process of installing. Must have installed: Part 1: Anaconda Python 3.5 (64-bit); Part 2: cx_Oracle for Python 3.5 (64-bit); Part 3: Oracle 64-bit Instant Client (64-bit). Next you will need to install a binary of the cx_Oracle Python driver. This the Python. Step 1-download and install Python for 64-bit Windows. -go to URL: -scoll down the list until you see Python 2.7.1 - 2010-11-27. Step 2-download and install the Oracle driver for Python called cx_Oracle. -go to URL: Cx_Oracle 5.2.1. Python interface to Oracle. Latest Version: 6.1. Python interface to Oracle conforming to the Python DB API 2.0 specification. See
I installed it for all users and pointed it to the Python 2.7 location it found in the registry. • Set the ORACLE_HOME and PATH environment variables via a batch script or whatever mechanism makes sense in your app context, so that they point to the Oracle Instant Client directory. See oracle_python.bat source below. I'm sure there must be a more elegant solution for this, but I wanted to limit my system-wide changes as much as possible. Make sure you put the targeted Oracle Instant Client directory at the beginning of the PATH (or at least ahead of any other Oracle client directories). Boezio De Consolatione Philosophiae Pdf Viewer there.