Wireless Serial Communication Arduino Uno

I found what should work Cheap and Easy. ORIGINAL MESSAGE: Hi, I need some help with a project. I basically want to wirelessly communicate between my computer and an Arduino UNO, over a maximum range of about 30 metres. What is the best way of doing this? This is what I have so far: - Get two XBee modules.
- Connect one of them to my computer using a USB to Serial Base Unit ( ) - Connect the other to an Arduino using a 'Wireless SD Shield' or 'XBee Shield' (Which should I use?) - Use Serial to communicate XBee to XBee Will that option work, and is it the best way of doing this? And also, does XBee only communicate to XBee or can I only use one XBee to communicate to my computer? EDIT: I also found this APC220 for $40 with 2 modules, 2 antennae, 1 TTL-USB Convertor. Will that work?
P Vei Ordliste Norsk Engelsk Pdf Printer. It looks cheaper and includes everything. Hmmm, it says range is approx 15 metres, which is alright. But I/O lines are NOT 5V-tolerant. I suppose that can be dealt with though.
And then you need to get a shield seperately as well. Chi Vuol Essere Milionario Sekonda Edizione Iso 9000. I read your post, and I am confused:~ It looks really hard. Not looking too good. That's about £33 so far. I want something like this: I can just open some sort of Serial Monitor, type 'blink', the transmitter sends it to the receiver. The Arduino grabs it from the receiver, processes it, makes an LED blink. Should be simple enough.
I want to have a PC running Linux (going from its USB port) that can remotely program, get data from the serial port on an Arduino Uno. My ultimate goal is to have the Linux box run ROS as the master and communicate wirelessly via ROS Serial or ROS Arduino to the Arduino slave which will then do the actual control,. Clonedvd Mobile Cracked on this page.
Do you think this will work? Has anyone tried it? Thanks again. Hi ivisualhack, If cost is an important factor then the cheapest option may be to use modules (. Yeah those Wixels are not a cheap solution- I was reluctant to spend the money too. Sorry I can't advise better on their range, especially through walls. But that said, they are very easy to use, since all they are is a wireless usb.
My Arduino sketch just reads a character from the serial input, and uses 'if' to decide what to do. On the PC I use PuTTY to send characters.
So you could have 'b' for blink and 's' to stop. Tell you what though, I'll set them up this afternoon or tomorrow and do a quick test. I'll try various things like in the house (ie through walls) and out in the open. Always assuming I can find them.
(EDIT: Ok, I found them, so that's a start).